Point Lonsdale dog friendly beaches
Dogs on beaches at Point Lonsdale:
- Dogs are permitted off-lead at all times at Narrows Beach (between Roddick Grove and Fraser Street)
- The beach west of Fellows Road is a wildlife protection zone where dogs are permitted either on-lead or off-lead depending on hooded plover nesting season and other periods of wildlife sensitivity - consult the current signage along the beach
- At all other beaches, dogs are prohibited from 9am to 8pm during December, January and February, however they are permitted on-lead at all other times

Official sources for dog restrictions
- Borough of Queenscliffe
- City of Greater Geelong - covers beach west of Fellows Road
When bringing your dog to the beach, refer to signs at beach entry points and consult the official sources for the latest information. Changes to dog restrictions may be made at any time by local authorities.