Dog friendly restaurants & cafes in Geelong

1. Cafe Go
Cafe Go

Dogs are welcome with their owners at the tables under the front verandah.

37 Bellerine Street
Phone: (03) 5229 4752

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2. Eddy and Wills
Eddy and Wills

Licensed cafe.
Dogs are welcome in the retro-style sheltered outdoor courtyard on the side of the cafe. Treats are available for your dog.

130 Church Street
Hamlyn Heights
Phone: (03) 5298 2353

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3. Edge Geelong
Edge Geelong

Modern Australian restaurant.
Sheltered dog-friendly deck with tables, overlooking parkland and across the road from the bay.

6-8 Eastern Beach Road
Phone: (03) 5222 2666

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4. No. 42
No. 42

Licensed cafe.
Outdoor deck where dogs are welcome. The cafe is surrounded by parkland and overlooks the bay.

42 Bell Parade
Phone: (03) 5277 9266

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5. Pakington Pantry
Pakington Pantry

Licensed cafe.
Seating outside, under the front verandah, where dogs are permitted.

3 / 328 Pakington Street
Phone: (03) 5223 3232

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6. Sailors' Rest
Sailors' Rest

Mediterranean restaurant.
Outdoor dining area, with shade umbrellas and water views, where dogs are very welcome.

3 Moorabool Street
Phone: (03) 5224 2241

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